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We plan on delivering quality life to Lagosians based on these seven (7) broad areas
- Boost the growth of local economic activities in areas that have been alienated from previous government’s economic policy and program implementation. This will create jobs and boost overall economic growth in these areas.
- Encourage night markets by providing the security and infrastructure to protect investments of sellers and safety of buyers.
- Revise the Public-Private Partnership law in order to meet the demands of both local and foreign investors with priority on growing Lagos manufacturing and information, communication and technology sectors.
- Embark on “Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership”. This is an effort to accelerate the resurgence of manufacturing and creation of jobs across the State.
- Grants will be given to unemployed individuals who have exceptional business ideas. The sectoral priorities of these business ideas are Agriculture, Manufacturing and ICT. Women and individuals living in low income communities will be strongly encouraged to apply for these grants which will go through a fair and transparent process.
- Three (3) industrial clusters/special economic zones will be created across various parts of Lagos. One of these delineated enclaves will be an Agro-Industrial Processing Zone in partnership with the Federal Government and Africa Development Bank (AfDB).
- Appoint change and transformation agents through the Office of Transformation, Creativity and Innovation (OTCI). Their responsibilities will be focused on instilling and monitoring innovative ways of working within government. A transparent reward system will also be established for performance.
- Ministry of Local Government Affairs, Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget and Public Private Partnership (PPP) office will train local government officials to ensure they have the oversight competence to play a prominent role in the process of designing, implementing and monitoring development projects and programs.
- Create a welfare scheme for retirees that would provide access to capital/land and other benefits in order to still be able to contribute productively to our society after retirement from service.
- Reform the Ministry of Science and Technology to focus on being the coordinating Ministry responsible for technology and innovation policy across the State.
- Develop a single billing system where all revenue generating agencies can collaborate and ensure ease of doing business is promoted through tax and regulatory certainty. This will involve harmonizing all taxes and associated regulations under an umbrella for easy accessibility by businesses and individuals.
- Publish annual budgetary, financial and non-financial information across various departments in government. We will also ensure the public procurement process is fair and transparent as every item procured by government will be subjected to competitive bidding.
- Decentralization of development projects to local governments. Ministry Local Government Affairs, Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget and the local government chairpersons initiate a participatory process to identify the comparative advantage of each local government area and contextual projects that stimulate local economic development.
- Invest in public and multi-modal transport systems (buses, trains, ferries). Leverage data, technology and innovation to create a Transport Card Payment System that enables Lagosians to easily use any form of transportation through the access card. We plan to encourage private investment in bike rickshaws, solar powered mini-buses and ‘keke’. In the medium to long term, through proper consultation, congestion pricing will be implemented to address traffic congestion.
- The design and construction of various infrastructure across the state will be inclusive. Hence, the plans of such infrastructure will be approved based on inclusion of people living with disabilities and the vulnerable in the designs.
- Develop a drainage master plan. This will also be supported by the implementation, construction and maintenance of drainage projects. Also, public enlightenment and advocacy on flood early warning will be sponsored.
- Reform the yellow bus and NURTW transport style by creating a welfare system that allows for stability, structure and innovation. This will be done by leveraging health insurance for various stakeholders and their families.
- Partner with private companies and NGOs on improving safety for public transport system (including bus stations and bus parks) especially for women. Safety measures will include; deployment of ethical and efficient surveillance systems and enforcement of safety by design compliance by transport operators.
- Provide digital and data infrastructure for primary healthcare facilities in order to make the collection and processing of data from these facilities easier. It will be integrated with existing digital infrastructure across other public hospitals and health centers. This will ultimately inform decision making and aid planning.
- Through Private Public Partnership, we will extend the Lagos State Health Scheme to Lagosians by linking their resident registration data (currently domiciled with LASRAA) to ensure Lagosians can enjoy universal health coverage.
- Partner with health technology companies willing to develop innovative solutions for public healthcare. The plan is to reduce the bottlenecks for accessing health institutions towards partnering on these solutions.
- Increase budgetary allocations to health as even 2022 budget is not close to 10% of the total budget. More focus will be geared towards health and digital infrastructure, research and development and reskilling of health workers.
- Upgrade LASURA into a Ministry of City Regeneration and Renewal with state-wide responsibility and direct reporting line to the me with focus on upgrading of living conditions of low income citizens as a political priority.
- Residential land left undeveloped will accrue a tax, relative to the value of the land, every two years to avoid land speculation. Generated income through such a tax should be directly allocated to the new Ministry (formerly LASURA).
- Introduction of mixed housing through land percentage sharing and co-ownership of 60% and 40% for community and the government respectively. Security of tenure will be granted while the community signs a commitment to upgrade their area in a 6 years’ time-frame.
- Ministry of Housing will have a special focus on providing access to finance for lowest and low-income groups organized in cooperatives or trade associations through the Lagos Affordable Housing Development Fund. The fund will draw resources from private and public sources but will offer a minimum interest rate compared to other mortgage rates available in Nigeria
- Dedication of not less than 20% of Lagos annual budget as project seed funding which will prepare urban renewal projects for other counterpart funding or investments.
- Substantive review of the Environmental Management and Protection Law. The review will be inclusive and transparent. Formal and informal actors along the waste management value chain as well as the public will be properly consulted to ensure that the interests of all stakeholders are represented.
- Uphold the constitutional roles of Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) employed at the local government level. The Local Government Service Commission will hire more EHOs across LGs, provide proper training for old hands and new hires, and then let them do their jobs.
- LAWMA will deepen its collaboration with local start-ups that are developing and deploying technology-aided solutions in the areas of zero waste, waste recycling, composting and circular economy.
- Creation of Material Recovery Facilities rather than just Transfer Loading Stations.
- Better enforcement structure that will ensure LAWMA provides accurate data on waste generation, disposal and treatment by private-sector operators.
- In collaboration with the House of Assembly, allocation of funds to waste management will be increased in commensuration to the generation capacity of Lagos State. This will attract private funding for capital-intensive treatment/disposal plants like Material Recovery Facilities, waste-to-energy plants and sanitary engineered landfills, while extending long-term licenses and irrevocable guarantees to prospective investors.
- Remodel our public schools in Lagos towards meeting the demands of current trends. This will require investing heavily in technology accessibility towards connecting teachers and students.
- Creation of a seed fund for early stage technology enabled startups towards catalyzing entrepreneurship and innovation within Lagos State. The seed fund will be an added portfolio for LSETF while ensuring the process of disbursement is transparent.
- Establishment of a technology park with keen interest of partnering with private sector players willing to serve as developers and operators for the park. This is to ensure technology startups can benefit from both fiscal and non-fiscal benefits while aligning with local regulatory frameworks of social, environmental and cultural sustainability
- Invest largely in skill empowerment programmes with huge focus on technology related skills. The plan is to have our people compete for jobs created by both corporates and startups.
- Creation and enforcement of the Lagos State Startup Act in order to attract and protect investment of startups and players within the ecosystem. We will enforce the State’s Data Protection Regulation to ensure people’s data are not misused for harm.
- Enhanced partnerships with various education technology platforms. Through the partnerships, we will incentivize the process for these platforms towards integrating technology into our public education system.